Hamilton Pool:

Creek coming from Hamilton Pool:

Takes about 30 mins to get to from the apartment. I would LOVE to go there again. The pool itself was refreshing for the few moments we swam. The rain came through and the park police told us they had to test bacteria levels to determine if it was safe to swim in. We hid under the safety of the overhang until the rain slowed. Then we hiked the trail along the creek that led to the Pedernales River. The hike was just beautiful - cypress trees, frogs croaking, huge boulders. It could pass for dino or fantasy-type movie scenery. We got back to the car in time to make it to my hair appointment. The cut took 4 hours! It was this girl's first time doing this particular cut, and she would have taken much longer had Dad not fussed. Thank goodness he did; we made it to Rosie's Tamale Restaurant JUST IN TIME!
Wednesday we stopped at Chuy's for lunch. I had the most outrageous Chuychanga, with plenty leftover for 2 more meals.

After lunch we stopped at the Umlauf Sculpture Garden. Apparently old lady Umlauf and her late husband donated some sculptures and helped develop this garden just at the bottom of a hill from their property. There is a beautiful stream that trickles through and ends up in this pond:

It made for a nice shady stroll on a hot day.

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