Saturday, June 28, 2008

Keep Austin Weird

Wow am I exhausted. This morning we had breakfast over the Statesman, then headed out to Old Navy for $1 flip flops! That deal was followed by a discount gas deal from our favorite grocery store!
So, last night Dan signed us up as volunteers for the Keep Austin Weird 5K and Festival. We showed up around 2:30 (we got a Crew tshirt and wristband to get in) and were assigned to "backstage/hospitality". This meant that we sat on our butts for a few minutes while the first band up did a sound check. They eventually found a more productive place for us, in the runner's village. There, we had to stuff reusable grocery bags donated from HEB with tshirts and Clif Shot Bloks for the runners. This sounded simple, even in the roasting sun until someone mentioned there are 3,000 runners and there were only 8 of us volunteers. Dan and I became an effective team, building an assembly line and picking up each others slack so one person wasn't always ahead/behind. We worked quietly and at a steady pace and it felt good to accomplish something so easily with him! We were assigned as table managers, according to size of the tshirts. I was assigned a tshirt size that hadn't even begun assembly! Well, anyway eventually we got all set up and the runners started coming through the finish line. We got swamped! I was alone at my table and think I handled it well. I was so proud! Many bottles of water and a huge headache later, it was 8pm and we had to pack up. Dan and I snuck away with some runner's tshirts and enough reusable grocery bags to complete our collection! The music was nice, but we needed some nurishment, so we left. Pluckers was calling our name. We started with the stuffed jalapenos. Got some waaaangs and mine came with mac n cheese (possibly best ever). Our lips were on fire when we left. Very happy to be home for 2 reasons: 1) our bodies are tired and 2) our bodies are dirty. It makes my home such a wonderful place to be!

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